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Career Counsellor Series

Certification Course For Students – Build Your Confidence

Unlock Your Potential: Empower Your Confidence with Certification





Recognise Certificate


Career Guide’s ‘Certification Course on – Build Your Confidence is a self-paced online professional certification course with lifetime access. This will help provide you with curriculum with the help of different Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs & Quizzes. The program has everything to make you an effective professional.


This course bundle could be very useful for those who want to have all information and enhance their knowledge of career counselling:
  • This online Certification Course on - "Build Your Confidence" has everything to make you an effective professional.
  • Evaluate opportunities to increasingly develop a growth mindset.
  • Analyze beliefs and actions that contribute to a growth mindset within an organization.
  • This CERTIFICATION COURSE ON -"Build Your Confidence" will equip you with in-depth and holistic knowledge.
More professional success
With any job or task you must tackle, your self-confidence will hype you up for the big moments.
benefits of developing self-confidence
Building self-confidence promotes personal growth that positively influences both your professional and personal life.
Are self-confidence and self-esteem the same?
We often use self-confidence and self-esteem interchangeably because they’re closely related.
How to build confidence
Even though self-confidence comes from within, your community can help you build it.
Full lifetime access
Access on mobile and TV


Our Founder's Story

Surabhi Dewra is one of the leading Indian women entrepreneurs. She has been featured amongst the top 25 powerful women in India and has received a lot of other awards including the recent ‘50 Fabulous Global Edutech Leader’ award & 40 Under 40 Education Leader award by Business World .
Surabhi makes regular appearances on national and international TV and Print media to discuss Career, Education, Women in Leadership and Economy related topics. She is on the panel of various Government of India Ministry bodies to setup policy framework around Career Guidance and Counselling in the country.
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Making a video for a job was unexpected and a great idea!
It's good. Got to learn a lot.
It was a complete and very organize course.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you master the skill of confidence?

Positive thinking, practice, training, knowledge and talking to other people are all useful ways to help improve or boost your confidence levels. Confidence comes from feelings of well-being, acceptance of your body and mind (your self-esteem) and belief in your own ability, skills and experience.

How long can it take to build confidence?

Developing self-confidence is a personal journey that can vary from person to person. Research suggests that it can take anywhere from 18 to 254 days to form a new habit, with an average of 66 days.

Is confidence a hard skill?

Confidence is often considered a "soft skill." Experience shows that confidence can and should be learned and practiced. One entrepreneur I worked with had a great product, but didn't feel comfortable expressing himself in public. He lacked confidence.

Does confidence increase with skill?

For many people, improvements in confidence and self-esteem come directly from learning. As we learn, as we succeed and even as we fail, we grow.
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